Open to your spiritual nature. Meditation for spirit and body.

We are a Spiritual Learning Center

Classes in Meditation, Self-Healing, Clairvoyance, Kundalini and more

Simple, Powerful Techniques

Awaken to the bright spark of
light that is you, the spirit.

You are Spirit

Discover techniques to help you communicate
with your body and actively create your life.

Our Spiritual Center

Experience the power and support of
a group focused on spiritual awakening.

Sample our techniques

See if CDM is Right for You

Meditation classes that lead to personal discovery

Learn to unlock your power. Discover your inner strength
as you connect with yourself, the spirit.

Everyone is clairvoyant – including you!

Learn what that means in this 90-second video.

Amusement is a vibration and is key for allowing change and growth

Lighten up with this high energy through meditation. Learn more in this 1-minute video.

Ancient principles for today’s world

Although life has changed over the centuries, the body-spirit connection has not.

Staff Img Mary Ellen Flora | Spiritual Learning | Meditation | Church of Divine Man

“Welcome to our website. Explore our information and discover new aspects of yourself.”

– Mary Ellen Flora, author and teacher